Our Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy is a detailed document that outlines how Digital Paras collects, uses, stores, and discloses information collected from website users (each a “User”). This privacy policy applies equally to the company’s website (www.digitalparas.com) and all of its products and services.

Information Gathering and Distribution

We acknowledge your right to privacy and are committed to safeguarding it. We are the sole owner of the information gathered on this website, and we do not rent, sell, or lend this information to third parties unless forced to do so by law. We may retain and process your information in order to comprehend your needs and tailor our products and services to them.

It may also be used to send you information about our industry news, special events, or features and offers that are tailored to your interests. If you contact with us via email, we may collect and preserve the information in strict confidence.

Data Protection

Sensitive data gathered from website users is encrypted and delivered to us in a safe manner. Likewise, we safeguard your information offline. Only those who require the information to perform a certain job function are permitted access to such data. Additionally, the computers and servers that store the data are kept in a secure environment.

Policy On Content And Anti-Spam

Digital Paras continuously works to rid the website of content spam, fraudulent advertisements, and other deceptive methods. Digital Paras does not permit or authorise any user or automated system to use its services in a way that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair any aspect of the website’s services. We never promote a piece of material that seeks to deceive people for monetary benefit. There is no place on our website for intentionally deceptive content. We have a system for tracking and removing such spam from our website.

Request Form

If you have any questions about our policies, please fill out the contact form. The user must submit some information, such as their name and email address, and our representative will react to your questions as quickly as possible.